Enhancing Alpha through Social Intelligence

We map people and conversations across social media and investment forums to understand and monitor their influences. Structuring and analyzing the different data points, we curate your dynamic insight dashboard. We pride ourselves on our technological advancements.

Alternative Data

Get access to hundreds of unique data points in multiple languages across platforms in our ever-growing datasets

Multi-Language Natural Language Processing

Perform general predictive analysis and domain-specific analysis

Hybrid Cloud

Combine strengths from top AI services and cloud providers to create the best analytics tool

Data Source Customization

Enjoy great flexibility through custom data scraping and API to integrate with internal data to suit your specific needs

Alternative Data

What is Alternative Data?

Alternative data refers to data that exists beyond the sphere of traditional data sources. These alternative sources are utilized by investors to aid in company and investment evaluation. Examples include public social media sentiments, reviews, survey data, and more.

Social Listening for Investments

RareElements focus on social intelligence. Consider the many market events triggered by Elon Musk’s Twitter or the now historical Reddit-GameStop investment. Operate at the true speed of the market Understand and “nowcast” the impact of relevant market-moving events through Scandium.

Become the Subject Matter Expert

You can leverage the broad scope of alternative data. Perform thematic analysis through custom data scraping and proprietary data sources such as ESG -Environmental, Social, and Governance insights.

Native Multi-Langauge Natural Language Processing

Turn text into quantifiable insights, from long Xueqiu blog posts or the shortReddit threads. Rare Elements’ natural language processing engine is continuously trained with our growing database.

Real-time Macro Insight

Never be surprised. Get real-time analysis on market events and optimize, anticipated or not.

Emerging Signal Generation

Customize and extract industry and domain-specific investment signals from the data sources to the methodologies

Data Source & Output Customization

We are all different - from industry preferences, geographical focus to risk appetite. We offer premium features and a high level of customization to suit your portfolio.

Custom Data Scraping

We build custom data scrapers on request withScandium’s ever-growing databases. Enjoy Scandium’s scalability while making this solution truly unique for your needs.

Output Customization

You can leverage the broad scope of alternative data. Perform thematic analysis through custom data scraping and proprietary data sources such as ESG - Environmental, Social, and Governance insights.